Newsletter: February 12th, 2010 (Edit: 9th April 2010)
The current 2-month break for the 4th year UKM medical students had just started a few days ago. While it may serve as a timely introduction for those who are in dire need to take a breather, do remember that the Special Study Module research is still ongoing and drawing near. As the Lunar New Year and Valentine’s Day are approaching as well, we from the SSM student committee would like to express our well wishes to everyone who would be celebrating either the Lunar New Year, Valentine’s Day, or both. May you be blessed with health, wealth (for those who wish for it) and the most important of them all, a meaningful life with your loved ones, filled with cheer, joy and laughter.
Below are the current updates for the time being:
That’s all for now, and I wished everyone a happy holiday. :)
Below are the current updates for the time being:
- UKMMC 2nd SSM Annual Scientific Meeting 2009/2010
The date for this annual event has been set on the 25th May 2010 following approval from UKMMC. This being said, below are the details of the event, subject to changes.
Event: UKMMC 2nd SSM Annual Scientific Meeting 2009/2010
Theme: “Striving Towards an Era of Research”
Date: 25th May 2010
Time: 7.00am – 5.30pm
Main Venue: Auditorium, UKMMC
Fees Structure:
- UKMMC Medical Students: RM25
- Others: RM50
- Oral Platform and Poster Presentation
As mentioned earlier, there would be 2 categories for the annual scientific meeting, namely the oral platform presentation and the poster presentation. The allocation of number of groups in each category would be 18 and 24 for oral platform and poster presentation respectively. The finalization of the groups in each category would be announced on 16th April 2010.
The prizes for the winners for each category had not been finalized. However, we’ve heard news that the top three groups from each category will receive endorsement as much RM2, 000 to attend any conference, namely the MIB conference which would be held in Brunei this year. So, keep your fingers crossed and hope that this turn out to be true!
- SSM Briefing
Following the postponement of the Q&A session with Prof Ruszymah (supposedly to be held on the 9th Feb 2010) regarding the SSM project, there is no final word on it yet. Most likely, the Q&A session would be held after the formal SSM briefing on 12th April 2010.
Event: SSM formal briefing
Date: 12th April 2010
Time: 9.30am8.00amEdited 9th April 2010
Venue: Auditorium, UKMMC
Attire: Formal
Agenda: Enquiries, comments, complaints and progress of SSM work.
- SSM abstract submission
The format for the SSM abstract would be made available on the 12th April 2010. Submission deadline for the abstract would be 5pm, 12th May 2010 (edit: from 13th to 12th May) to an email which would be provided here later. Late submission past the deadline would not be entertained.
- Submission of Group Photos
Group photos of SSM groups with supervisor are required and submission deadline would be 12th May 2010 by 12am at kong1ming2-at-gmail-dot-com. Interesting photos and videos of SSM research project can also be submitted and would be greatly appreciated.
- Propagation of Information
Please do keep updated with this site. We, in the SSM committee have tried our best to reach out to you with various ways. offers various ways to keep you updated, from Twitter, RSS Feeds, to Facebook’s Networked Blogs app. Do spread the words around so that more of us could keep up with the latest news.
That’s all for now, and I wished everyone a happy holiday. :)
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