It's a Friday! I guess everyone would be rather excited on weekends than on Mondays. Nevertheless, here's the latest update on the Special Study Module. Sorry for the delay in update, but I do hope you guys and gals can at least spend a little bit more time to read this lengthy piece of information before you go on a
For those who just wants a summary overview, click HERE.
- Oral (Platform) and Poster Presentation
Based on the overwhelming response from fellow medical students, it had been decided that we will be retaining the section for oral (platform) and poster presentation for our Annual 2nd Scientific Meeting as well. There will be 21 groups doing the oral platform presentation and 21 groups doing the poster presentation. Currently, there is a slight imbalance in the composition as there are a a bit more groups vying for the oral platform presentation.
Therefore, a selection committee consisting of doctors will be the ones handpicking a few research titles from the groups who selected oral platform presentation for the poster presentation in accordance to suitability. No students will be involved in the selection committee to ensurethat the SSM student committee do not play favoritism/ other students bearing grudge at the student committeea fair selection system.
But no worries, there are a few groups yet to decide on it, and the chances are, only up to 5 groups would be transferred from the oral platform presentation list to the poster presentation list. That's only a 20% chance at most.
- Research Abstract Content
Sorry for the commotion regarding the abstract submission. There are a bit of changes upon the abstract requirement. Previously, we'd voted for an abtract without results and conclusion, but this time round, the results and conclusion is necessary for the abstract in accordance to international standards. In view of this, we'd decided to push back the submission deadline to allow more time for SSM groups to finalize the results. The deadline will be discussed in the next item. As of now, we have yet to get a hand on the abstract format, so we could not provide you with the format yet. Please be patient though, as we are really trying hard to get it.
- Research Abstract Submission Deadline
The previous suggested submission deadline was 13th April 2010. Currently, the new submission deadline would pushed back to enable students to finalize the data and conclude the findings. Therefore, the new submission deadline is by 11.59pm, 12th May 2010. Any late submission upon thereafter would not be entertained.
- Photos Please
With this, I would again request for students to have a group photo with their supervisor, a formal one. Please also take some photos(better if there's videos) of yourself in "action" during SSM research. It can be funny or interesting, it's up to you. Please send in to kong1ming2-at-gmail-dot-com. Your co-operation would be appreciated.
- Committee members recruitment.
For each group, we would exclude 2 members for the presentation on that day itself. The others would be involved in this organizing committee. So if you have 6 in a group, 4 of you would be involved. For 5 in a group, there would be 3 members involved to help us out. We've the name list and selection is voluntary initially, and the rest would be divided into the respective field of work, namely:
- Event & Management (Program)
Nurulhuda Bt Abdul Rahman - Public Relations & Protocol (Perhubungan & Protokol)
Kanit Tha A/P Deang - Publicity & Multimedia (Publisiti & Multimedia)
Wong Yee Ming - Logistics & Technical (Teknikal & Pengangkutan)
Syed Muhammad Bin Syed Ali - Marketing (Pemasaran)
Nur Ain Binti Mohamad - Banquets & Souvenir (Jamuan & Cenderamata)
Nur Adibah Binti Matsaruan - Special Tasks (Tugas-tugas Khas)
Amirudin Bin Sanip
For multimedia and publicity(me), you can drop a message in my FB account or email me at kong1ming2-at-gmail-dot-com. Thanks! (P.S. Preferably people who would at least know how to handle Windows Media Player, Microsoft Word etc. :P )
For any further enquiries/suggestions/feedback, please do drop a message in the chatbox on the right of this site, or you can email me at kong1ming2-at-gmail-dot-com or even drop a message in the SSM Facebook group.
- Event & Management (Program)
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