A good welcome to all of you. Although this appears in the newsletter edition, this is some worthy important points to take note of.
- Mode of Presentation
As you can see, the list is out, and all of the groups are divided into 2 categories, oral (platform) and poster presentation. After some final changes, there will be 20 groups doing oral (platform) and 22 groups doing poster presentation. For those who have yet to look at the list, you can check it out at the link here:
- Oral (Platform) Presentation:
- Microsoft Powerpoint up to Microsoft Office 2007(pptx) is accepted. Microsoft Office 2010 is not accepted as a legible format of presentation yet.
- Powerpoint file size is limited to 15MB, and should be mailed to muasrm0910@gmail.com by 11.59pm, 19th May 2010. Failure to comply to submit by the stipulated timeframe will be considered as an act of withdrawal from the event.
- A confirmation email shall be sent back as an acknowledgement of receival/ acceptance.
- Note: Using software apart from Microsoft Office to compose or edit pptx files are not adviced as it may lead to distortion of presentation slides (eg. Open Office, Gnome Office)
- Poster Presentation:
- The committee has decided that the specifications of the poster should be within 30 inches(width) X 40 inches (length). Groups may come up with posters of all sorts of sizes and shapes as long as it conforms within the designated space of 30 inches X 40 inches.
- Posters would have to be put up on the 24th May 2010, a day prior to the actual day of 2nd MUASRM.

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