Welcome to the official launch of the site of UKMMC 2nd Medical Undergraduates' Annual Scientific Meeting.

Malaysian Undergraduates Annual Scientific Research Meeting 2010

MUASRM 2010 is back in the limelight. This Special Study Module (SSM) would proudly feature the key elements of research done by the colloboration of medical students and doctors, which would be inevitably influential in the future.
UKM SSM 2009/2010

Malaysian Undergraduates Annual Scientific Research Meeting 2010

MUASRM 2010 is back in the limelight. This Special Study Module (SSM) would proudly feature the key elements of research done by the colloboration of medical students and doctors, which would be inevitably influential in the future.
UKM SSM 2009/2010

Malaysian Undergraduates Annual Scientific Research Meeting 2010

MUASRM 2010 is back in the limelight. This Special Study Module (SSM) would proudly feature the key elements of research done by the colloboration of medical students and doctors, which would be inevitably influential in the future.
UKM SSM 2009/2010

Malaysian Undergraduates Annual Scientific Research Meeting 2010

MUASRM 2010 is back in the limelight. This Special Study Module (SSM) would proudly feature the key elements of research done by the colloboration of medical students and doctors, which would be inevitably influential in the future.
UKM SSM 2009/2010

Malaysian Undergraduates Annual Scientific Research Meeting 2010

MUASRM 2010 is back in the limelight. This Special Study Module (SSM) would proudly feature the key elements of research done by the colloboration of medical students and doctors, which would be inevitably influential in the future.
UKM SSM 2009/2010

SSM Newsletter

” This newsletter brings a soft launch of this site for the UKMMC SSM 2nd Annual Scientific Meeting. Keep updated regarding the SSM progress here.
May 14th, 2010 Find Out More

SSM Timeline

”So much to read but have little time? Fear not, just click on title or below for a brief summary of the important timeline.
9th April 2009 Find Out More

About SSM

”SSM? SMS? Special Study Module? What is SSM all about? Here's where we'll explain it all to you.
8th Nov 2009 Find Out More

Contact Us

”Have any great ideas or suggestions? Do feel free to contact and tell us about it. We are more than glad to receive your feedback.
8th Nov 2009 Find Out More

Tentative Schedule

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Newsletter: January 18th, 2010 (Edit: 22nd Jan)


It's a Monday! Nevertheless, it's still the last week of posting before the study week and soon the anticipated finals. Yes, I guess this is it, the finals since we would be finishing our year 4. Most of us, actually, apart for those who might have to resit the papers. That, we would like to express our regret and wish you guys all the best! Let's just hope all of us sail through Year 4, and pray for everyone's safe journey.

For those in Pediatrics posting, all the best for your shortcase. Me myself included. Oh well, it's a first time for all of us in this posting, so we can't really avoid this jittery feeling of anxiety.

Moving on to the real topic, here's some updates on the progress of SSM, as of currently.

  1. Informal Q&A Session with Prof. Ruszymah regarding SSM Project
    Feb 9th, 2010 (Tues), 2.30pm. Venue: Pending confirmation
    If you have any particular queries about your SSM project, or doubts and disputes among your group members or whatsoever, this is the best time for you to voice it out. Having such problems at the back of your mind can cause migraine, so it is best to clear them off, since paracetamol's effect would probably be non-beneficial or temporary if at all.

    Edit: As this session coincides with the Orthopedic OSCE (~2-6pm), it would be postponed until further notice.

  2. Formal SSM briefing
    April 12th, 2010 (Monday), 8am. Venue: Auditorium
    Attendance is compulsory. Everything you'll need to know would be discussed and informed by then. Don't come and beg and plea in tears complain should you missed it. We might remind you about what's happening, but it'll depend on your own initiative to want to know what's happening around, since we're all adults.

  3. Finalization on Oral/Poster presentation groups
    Up till now, there is no finalization on who gets to do oral (platform) or poster presentation yet. However, those who applied for poster presentation would most likely remain so while there may be 3-6 groups who applied for the oral (platform) presentation would be switched out to fill the empty void for poster presentations. So this would depend on the meeting by SSM lecturers and students committee on 15th April 2010. Whoops, apparently there's student involvement as well, as I was being told. Don't worry, I'm sure the lecturers are more experienced and it is unlikely that the students committee (me myself included) could strong arm the lecturers.

    So, the finalization would be done on April 16th, 2010, a day after the meeting.

  4. Research Abstract Format
    Unfortunately, the format is still unavailable due to various reasons. It would be made available on April 12th, most probably during the day we had the formal SSM briefing.

  5. Photos Please (Again)
    I know this sounded like nagging, but I'm sure you'll need to do this somehow.I would again request for students to have a group photo with their supervisor, a formal one. Please also take some photos(better if there's videos) of yourself in "action" during SSM research. It can be funny or interesting, it's up to you. Please send in to kong1ming2-at-gmail-dot-com. Your co-operation would be appreciated.

    Submission deadline would be on April 16th, 2010, 5pm at kong1ming2-at-gmail-dot-com. There would be no punishment for late entries or submission, but since I'm a rather forgetful person, please do remind me should your photos are missing from the abstract booklet on the day of SSM annual scientific meeting I forget it. Just kidding, I hope you guys could make the job easier so I could attend to other tasks and also help out the others.
I guess that's all for now. I wouldn't like to burden you guys, but hope you could take the time to keep yourself updated with this site if possible. We're trying to reach out to everyone, but there's no guarantee that everyone is within reach. So spread this to your friends and fellow group members if possible. Thanks and all the best for exams!


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What is Annual Scientific Research Meeting?

UKMMC 2nd Medical Undergraduates' Annual Scientific Research Meeting is an annual research conference done by final year medical students from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). After 16 months of Special Study Module, they are required to present their research in the scientific meeting. The group of students are given the opportunity to choose the type of research which they are interested in, ranging from pre-clinicals to clinical aspect of Medicine, while developing their skills in communication, critical thinking, information and data handling, as well as professional judgment.The abstract and full manuscript of their research would be submitted for future publication purposes.

There will be 2 categories of presentation, namely the oral platform (paper) presentation and the poster presentation. Students in both categories will be vying for the research prize, with prominent doctors from UKM Medical Center acting as adjudicators.

In 2009, the 1st Annual Scientific Meeting was held with great success. More is to be expected from the 2nd SSM Annual Scientific Meeting which would be held on the 25th of May, 2010.

The theme for the coming 2nd Medical Undergraduates Annual Scientific Meeting is:
  • Striving Towards An Era of Research

There will be 42 researches waiting to be presented, to be heard, and to make an impact on the local medical scene, if not internationally.

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Important Timeline

Too much to read but no time? Below is a summary of the essential dates(and deadlines):

As of 9th April, 2010.

  1. 12th April 2010: SSM feedback in Auditorium, 9.30am.

    • Attendance is compulsory for students involved in the Special Study Module 2009-2010.
    •  Formal attire for everyone
    • Agenda - enquiries, comments, complaints and progression in SSM work.
  2. 26th-30th April 2010: SSM Group photo session with supervisor
  3. 12th May 2010: SSM abstract submission, by 11.59pm to muasrm0910@gmail.com.
  4. 17th May 2010(latest): Finalization of SSM oral/poster groups
  5. 25th May 2010: 2nd SSM Annual Scientific Meeting, 2010

SSM Abstract Format: Available for Download (Sidebar - Box.net)
SSM Oral/ Poster Group Finalization: Pending (Latest by 17th May 2010)

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