Welcome to the official launch of the site of UKMMC 2nd Medical Undergraduates' Annual Scientific Meeting.

Malaysian Undergraduates Annual Scientific Research Meeting 2010

MUASRM 2010 is back in the limelight. This Special Study Module (SSM) would proudly feature the key elements of research done by the colloboration of medical students and doctors, which would be inevitably influential in the future.
UKM SSM 2009/2010

Malaysian Undergraduates Annual Scientific Research Meeting 2010

MUASRM 2010 is back in the limelight. This Special Study Module (SSM) would proudly feature the key elements of research done by the colloboration of medical students and doctors, which would be inevitably influential in the future.
UKM SSM 2009/2010

Malaysian Undergraduates Annual Scientific Research Meeting 2010

MUASRM 2010 is back in the limelight. This Special Study Module (SSM) would proudly feature the key elements of research done by the colloboration of medical students and doctors, which would be inevitably influential in the future.
UKM SSM 2009/2010

Malaysian Undergraduates Annual Scientific Research Meeting 2010

MUASRM 2010 is back in the limelight. This Special Study Module (SSM) would proudly feature the key elements of research done by the colloboration of medical students and doctors, which would be inevitably influential in the future.
UKM SSM 2009/2010

Malaysian Undergraduates Annual Scientific Research Meeting 2010

MUASRM 2010 is back in the limelight. This Special Study Module (SSM) would proudly feature the key elements of research done by the colloboration of medical students and doctors, which would be inevitably influential in the future.
UKM SSM 2009/2010

SSM Newsletter

” This newsletter brings a soft launch of this site for the UKMMC SSM 2nd Annual Scientific Meeting. Keep updated regarding the SSM progress here.
May 14th, 2010 Find Out More

SSM Timeline

”So much to read but have little time? Fear not, just click on title or below for a brief summary of the important timeline.
9th April 2009 Find Out More

About SSM

”SSM? SMS? Special Study Module? What is SSM all about? Here's where we'll explain it all to you.
8th Nov 2009 Find Out More

Contact Us

”Have any great ideas or suggestions? Do feel free to contact and tell us about it. We are more than glad to receive your feedback.
8th Nov 2009 Find Out More

Notice: SSM Poster Presentation Groups

It has come to our knowledge that SSM groups doing the poster presentation can get the poster done in the Graphics Unit in UKMMC. While they are willing to provide the printing service for FREE, there are certain prerequisites you should know.

  1. The size of the poster is 30 inches (Width) X 40 inches (Length)
  2. If you wish for the help of Graphics Unit in your poster designs and printing, you should start contacting them to make some arrangements at least 1 month before the Annual Scientific Meeting(ASM). That being said, the latest would be 25th April 2010.
  3. If you just need to get free printing services, you can do so at least 1 week before the ASM, which would be by 18th May 2010. This means that you'll need to prepare your own designs and graphics while adhering to the poster size specifications of 30 inches X 40 inches.
A recap:
  • Poster Size: 30 X 40 inches
  • Poster Design + Printing Service: By 25th April 2010
  • Poster Printing Only: By 18th May 2010
  • Free service ( "Thank You" is a courtesy that should be practiced though)

For further inquiries, you can leave a comment at the bottom of this post. We'll forward it to the respective committee and elaborate more on the details as soon as we can. Thank You.


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Words from the Deputy Director General of Health (Medical)

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), for succeeding in the enormous responsibility of organizing the “2nd Medical Undergraduates Annual Scientific Research Meeting 2010”. UKM is showing great promise towards becoming the top Research University in Malaysia. This historical moment should never be forgotten by all individuals from UKM, as it is a stepping stone towards greater achievements and a foundation to the development of a tradition of success in times to come.  

The 27th of August 2007 is an important date for Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia as the University was awarded the status of Research University. This is part of a strategic plan by the Ministry of Higher Education to improve the standing of local universities in the international arena. Based on this mission, the Ministry also places utmost importance towards championing the national language and culture, and at the same time, in building a solid platform for the distribution of knowledge. From this moment onwards, research would play a pivotal role in UKM’s identity as well as success in the eyes of the world.

With a theme of “Striving Towards an Era of Research”, I believe that UKM’s Medical Faculty has succeeded in developing a line of succession to ensure continuous excellence in the field of research. This is something that all individuals from UKM should be proud of. As UKM is becoming a major player in the field of research in Malaysia and thus it would become a benchmark for other institutions of higher learning.

Malaysia has enjoyed over half a century of independence, and it would not be impossible that one day, we would have a society who can achieve success beyond our wildest imaginations, and is capable of thinking out of the box. It would not be impossible that one day, our researchers would be able to win the Nobel Prize. At that moment, local institutions of higher learning would become the centre of attention of all international scholars.

A big thank you and congratulations to all lecturers of UKM’s Medical Faculty who have guided, and taught the younger generation so that one day, they too would be able to create history in the field of research.

Finally, let us inspire together, hope and build the future.
Thank you.

Datuk Dr. Noor Hisham Bin Abdullah
Deputy Director General Of Health (Medical)
Ministry of Health, Malaysia

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Words from the Dean of Faculty Medicine and Director of UKMMC

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh and Good Day.

Alhamdulillah, thanks to the grace of Almighty God this 2nd Medical Undergraduates’ Annual Research Scientific Meeting could be held successfully.

The field of research can provide significant contribution to the development of the world of medicine. Strong commitments from all parties, especially doctors, are essential towards ensuring the progress of the field of medicine in this country. The field of research is not only able to move our nation towards the status of a developed nation by the year 2020 but also to be able to generate new knowledge. 

To realize this dream, the Special Study Module was introduced in the undergraduate medical degree programme, UKM. The introduction of this module would hopefully foster interest of medical students in the field of medical research, which can contribute significantly towards the improvement and development of medicine in this nation.

This module emphasizes not only on academic, but also aspects of personal improvement such as communication skills, team work, critical thinking skills, and skills in problem solving and handling of data. 

It is hoped that all these efforts do not stop and is continued in the future to realize the nation’s dream of becoming a major player in the field of medical research and to produce medical graduates who are dedicated, charismatic and excellent in all aspects.

Thank you.

Prof. Dato’ Dr. Lokman Saim
Dean of Faculty of Medicine and Director of UKMMC

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Words from the Head of Special Study Module

Assalamualaikum and Good Day,

I would like to express my utmost gratitude to God for His grace that once again the 2nd Medical Undergraduates’ Annual Scientific Research Meeting can be held. This meet is an annual event for the Special Study Module (SSM). Congratulations to all supervisors who have given priceless advice and guidance to all students in order to make each research a success. I also dedicate this speech to all 5th year Medical Students 2010/2011, who have worked tirelessly to carry out their research which would be presented in this seminar. Congratulations to all!  

As you all already know, SSM was designed to expose students to the process of medical research in hopes that all students can truly understand and appreciate the trials and tribulations of carrying out a research. This process is capable of improving students from the Integrated Curriculum who would be UKM’s and this nation’s pride in the future. I hope and pray that this year’s SSM researches can be published in both local and international journals. For your information, 30% of last year’s research papers were accepted for publication in international researches. This would definitely highlight UKM’s name in the international arena, especially as a research university.

I hope that SSM has benefited all students and inculcate the research culture in each student. I believe that this year’s seminar would be a success. Thanks to all the hard work by the students. Forty two manuscripts from SSM research is indeed a priceless gift for me. Alhamdulillah.

Finally, I would like to congratulate the students and lecturers in the Committee who have worked very hard to ensure the success of this meet.

Thank you.

"Towards World Class Research"

Prof. Dr. Ruszymah Bt Hj Idrus Coordinator,
2nd Medical Undergraduates
Annual Scientific Research Meeting
Head of the Special Study Module

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Words from the Chief Director, 2nd MUASRM 2010

Congratulations! 42 manuscripts are bound to be published together! After all those hard work, our researches had finally paid off, and bound to leave our presence in the worldly knowledge, particularly in the medical field. Our contribution may seem like a drop of water in the ocean of knowledge, but given some time, effort, and exploration, insyaAllah, humankind will sure benefit from it in our efforts towards a literate civilization.

It is of utmost importance to emphasize on the importance of research and development (R&D) in this fast paced world. This is because R&D can be the catalyst to the success of us as undergraduates, and the varsity itself. Our manuscripts are not just proof of our quality, but it is meant to instill the love for the discovery of knowledge. I strongly believe that research facilities and grants are essential towards a research of utmost quality. Therefore, I represent the community of undergraduates to call for more financial provisions from the government for the university, so that us as undergraduates, in particularly, could benefit from it and to produce researches which would be of better quality and meaningful. I also do hope that all universities in Malaysia in particular UKM could have research module of international standards for all undergraduates, and so that more journals are to be published and benefited by the whole world, especially for our beloved fellow Malaysians.

A well done message should be given to UKM Faculty of Medicine for taking a step towards the right direction with the Special Study Module. Generally, the module intends to expose the students to researches of international standards, and to train them to produce their very own ones. Professor Dr Ruszymah, the module coordinator of this Special Study Module has always reminded us that learning towards research and to publish in prestigious journals are vital for undergraduates to produce even better researches as we head off to the world after graduation.

If we had produced 42 researches to be presented this year, I was informed that there would be 57 researches to be presented for the coming batch next year. The increase in number of researches would hopefully be able to leave an impact as great as it is, in UKM, Malaysia, and hopefully, the whole world. Let us wish them success in completing their researches and present our newfound knowledge in medical field to the world.

Before I come to an end of this speech, allow me to thank everyone who helped to make this event a reality.  The success belongs to all of us! Thank You!

Chief Director
2nd Medical Undergraduates
Annual Scientific Research Meeting

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2nd MUASRM List of Mode of Presentation

The list of presentation in the respective categories is out. Kindly do check and ensure that you prepare for the right mode of presentation.

*click on image to enlarge*
You can also download the list from the download sidebar or from below:

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