Congratulations! 42 manuscripts are bound to be published together! After all those hard work, our researches had finally paid off, and bound to leave our presence in the worldly knowledge, particularly in the medical field. Our contribution may seem like a drop of water in the ocean of knowledge, but given some time, effort, and exploration, insyaAllah, humankind will sure benefit from it in our efforts towards a literate civilization.

It is of utmost importance to emphasize on the importance of research and development (R&D) in this fast paced world. This is because R&D can be the catalyst to the success of us as undergraduates, and the varsity itself. Our manuscripts are not just proof of our quality, but it is meant to instill the love for the discovery of knowledge. I strongly believe that research facilities and grants are essential towards a research of utmost quality. Therefore, I represent the community of undergraduates to call for more financial provisions from the government for the university, so that us as undergraduates, in particularly, could benefit from it and to produce researches which would be of better quality and meaningful. I also do hope that all universities in Malaysia in particular UKM could have research module of international standards for all undergraduates, and so that more journals are to be published and benefited by the whole world, especially for our beloved fellow Malaysians.

A well done message should be given to UKM Faculty of Medicine for taking a step towards the right direction with the Special Study Module. Generally, the module intends to expose the students to researches of international standards, and to train them to produce their very own ones. Professor Dr Ruszymah, the module coordinator of this Special Study Module has always reminded us that learning towards research and to publish in prestigious journals are vital for undergraduates to produce even better researches as we head off to the world after graduation.

If we had produced 42 researches to be presented this year, I was informed that there would be 57 researches to be presented for the coming batch next year. The increase in number of researches would hopefully be able to leave an impact as great as it is, in UKM, Malaysia, and hopefully, the whole world. Let us wish them success in completing their researches and present our newfound knowledge in medical field to the world.

Before I come to an end of this speech, allow me to thank everyone who helped to make this event a reality.  The success belongs to all of us! Thank You!

Chief Director
2nd Medical Undergraduates
Annual Scientific Research Meeting
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