Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), for succeeding in the enormous responsibility of organizing the “2nd Medical Undergraduates Annual Scientific Research Meeting 2010”. UKM is showing great promise towards becoming the top Research University in Malaysia. This historical moment should never be forgotten by all individuals from UKM, as it is a stepping stone towards greater achievements and a foundation to the development of a tradition of success in times to come.  

The 27th of August 2007 is an important date for Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia as the University was awarded the status of Research University. This is part of a strategic plan by the Ministry of Higher Education to improve the standing of local universities in the international arena. Based on this mission, the Ministry also places utmost importance towards championing the national language and culture, and at the same time, in building a solid platform for the distribution of knowledge. From this moment onwards, research would play a pivotal role in UKM’s identity as well as success in the eyes of the world.

With a theme of “Striving Towards an Era of Research”, I believe that UKM’s Medical Faculty has succeeded in developing a line of succession to ensure continuous excellence in the field of research. This is something that all individuals from UKM should be proud of. As UKM is becoming a major player in the field of research in Malaysia and thus it would become a benchmark for other institutions of higher learning.

Malaysia has enjoyed over half a century of independence, and it would not be impossible that one day, we would have a society who can achieve success beyond our wildest imaginations, and is capable of thinking out of the box. It would not be impossible that one day, our researchers would be able to win the Nobel Prize. At that moment, local institutions of higher learning would become the centre of attention of all international scholars.

A big thank you and congratulations to all lecturers of UKM’s Medical Faculty who have guided, and taught the younger generation so that one day, they too would be able to create history in the field of research.

Finally, let us inspire together, hope and build the future.
Thank you.

Datuk Dr. Noor Hisham Bin Abdullah
Deputy Director General Of Health (Medical)
Ministry of Health, Malaysia
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