Welcome to the official launch of the site of UKMMC 2nd Medical Undergraduates' Annual Scientific Meeting.

Malaysian Undergraduates Annual Scientific Research Meeting 2010

MUASRM 2010 is back in the limelight. This Special Study Module (SSM) would proudly feature the key elements of research done by the colloboration of medical students and doctors, which would be inevitably influential in the future.
UKM SSM 2009/2010

Malaysian Undergraduates Annual Scientific Research Meeting 2010

MUASRM 2010 is back in the limelight. This Special Study Module (SSM) would proudly feature the key elements of research done by the colloboration of medical students and doctors, which would be inevitably influential in the future.
UKM SSM 2009/2010

Malaysian Undergraduates Annual Scientific Research Meeting 2010

MUASRM 2010 is back in the limelight. This Special Study Module (SSM) would proudly feature the key elements of research done by the colloboration of medical students and doctors, which would be inevitably influential in the future.
UKM SSM 2009/2010

Malaysian Undergraduates Annual Scientific Research Meeting 2010

MUASRM 2010 is back in the limelight. This Special Study Module (SSM) would proudly feature the key elements of research done by the colloboration of medical students and doctors, which would be inevitably influential in the future.
UKM SSM 2009/2010

Malaysian Undergraduates Annual Scientific Research Meeting 2010

MUASRM 2010 is back in the limelight. This Special Study Module (SSM) would proudly feature the key elements of research done by the colloboration of medical students and doctors, which would be inevitably influential in the future.
UKM SSM 2009/2010

SSM Newsletter

” This newsletter brings a soft launch of this site for the UKMMC SSM 2nd Annual Scientific Meeting. Keep updated regarding the SSM progress here.
May 14th, 2010 Find Out More

SSM Timeline

”So much to read but have little time? Fear not, just click on title or below for a brief summary of the important timeline.
9th April 2009 Find Out More

About SSM

”SSM? SMS? Special Study Module? What is SSM all about? Here's where we'll explain it all to you.
8th Nov 2009 Find Out More

Contact Us

”Have any great ideas or suggestions? Do feel free to contact and tell us about it. We are more than glad to receive your feedback.
8th Nov 2009 Find Out More

Summary of Nov 20th, 2009 Newletter

  1. Some of the oral platform presentation groups may be "transferred out" to poster presentation due to limited places.

  2. Research result and conclusion is a requirement for abstract.

  3. Abstract format is still unavailable.

  4. Deadline for abstract submission is 5pm, 13th May, 2010 (Thursday).

  5. Please submit your group photos and other interesting photos to kong1ming2-at-gmail-dot-com.

  6. Everyone but the presenter and his/her (ONLY ONE) assistant will have to be involved in the SSM committee.

Click here for the full newsletter text again.

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