Welcome to the official launch of the site of UKMMC 2nd Medical Undergraduates' Annual Scientific Meeting.

Malaysian Undergraduates Annual Scientific Research Meeting 2010

MUASRM 2010 is back in the limelight. This Special Study Module (SSM) would proudly feature the key elements of research done by the colloboration of medical students and doctors, which would be inevitably influential in the future.
UKM SSM 2009/2010

Malaysian Undergraduates Annual Scientific Research Meeting 2010

MUASRM 2010 is back in the limelight. This Special Study Module (SSM) would proudly feature the key elements of research done by the colloboration of medical students and doctors, which would be inevitably influential in the future.
UKM SSM 2009/2010

Malaysian Undergraduates Annual Scientific Research Meeting 2010

MUASRM 2010 is back in the limelight. This Special Study Module (SSM) would proudly feature the key elements of research done by the colloboration of medical students and doctors, which would be inevitably influential in the future.
UKM SSM 2009/2010

Malaysian Undergraduates Annual Scientific Research Meeting 2010

MUASRM 2010 is back in the limelight. This Special Study Module (SSM) would proudly feature the key elements of research done by the colloboration of medical students and doctors, which would be inevitably influential in the future.
UKM SSM 2009/2010

Malaysian Undergraduates Annual Scientific Research Meeting 2010

MUASRM 2010 is back in the limelight. This Special Study Module (SSM) would proudly feature the key elements of research done by the colloboration of medical students and doctors, which would be inevitably influential in the future.
UKM SSM 2009/2010

SSM Newsletter

” This newsletter brings a soft launch of this site for the UKMMC SSM 2nd Annual Scientific Meeting. Keep updated regarding the SSM progress here.
May 14th, 2010 Find Out More

SSM Timeline

”So much to read but have little time? Fear not, just click on title or below for a brief summary of the important timeline.
9th April 2009 Find Out More

About SSM

”SSM? SMS? Special Study Module? What is SSM all about? Here's where we'll explain it all to you.
8th Nov 2009 Find Out More

Contact Us

”Have any great ideas or suggestions? Do feel free to contact and tell us about it. We are more than glad to receive your feedback.
8th Nov 2009 Find Out More

Newsletter: 27th May, 2010


First of all, I would like to congratulate all the SSM groups 2009/2010 for a wonderful annual scientific research meeting. All your presentations are marvelous and deserve a round of applause. With this, I hope the spirit of research will continue beyond the SSM module, and throughout our careers and lifetime. I know, most of you would be relieved that this is finally over, but let's just remember the sweet moments you had in this module.

Back to our main topic, for the winners of both oral (platform) and poster presentation of the 2nd Medical Undergraduates' Annual Scientific Research Meeting (MUASRM), do take note that you'll have to prepare an abstract for the MIB conference using the MIB template (can be found in the sidebar downloads as well). Other groups who did not win can also do the same. Upon completion please email to chezaimah@gmail.com and suehazlyn@gmail.com and azlinm@ppukm.ukm.my before 2.00pm today, 27th May 2010. Please also name the presenter and type of presentation.Do take note of this as you'll be representing UKM (if not Malaysia) for the conference.

I hope this would be the last newsletter here, and would like to thank all my Publicity and Multimedia committee members for their dedication in making this  MUASRM a success. Thank You.


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UKMMC 2nd Medical Undergraduates' Annual Scientific Meeting 2010

Striving Towards an Era of Research
25th MAY 2010
Time: 8.00am – 5.30pm

Main Venue:
Kompleks Pendidikan Perubatan Canselor Tuanku Ja’afar,
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Center,
Jalan Yaacob Latif, 56000 Cheras, Kuala Lumpur.

    UKMMC Medical Students: RM 25
    UKM Staff and Lecturers: RM 50
    Others: RM 50
      Walk-In Registration
      Organized by:
      Faculty of Medicine, UKM Medical Centre

       For more information:
      Please call
      Miss Kanit: 012- 661 1974
      Miss Zulaika: 013- 211 0243
      Miss Diana: 017-610 0852

      Special Study Module (SSM) is a compulsory medical research for the Medicine undergraduates in UKM. It is conducted concurrently through Year 4 and 5 as they undergo clinical training in other medical fields. In this module, students are allowed to choose their research of interest from an array of medical field under the supervision and guidance of experienced specialists and consultants. Towards the end of the 16 months of research, they are required to present their research findings in this annual scientific research meeting.

      Throughout this module, medical students are trained to improve their research skills, and also to cultivate their interest in the medical research field. Of course, they will also be able to build self-confidence, communication skills, professional judgment and to promote teamwork in their respective research group. The abstract and full manuscript of their research would be submitted for future publication purposes.

      In 2009, the 1st Annual Scientific Meeting was held with great success. More is to be expected from the 2nd SSM Annual Scientific Meeting which would be held on the 25th of May, 2010. The theme for the coming 2nd Medical Undergraduates Annual Scientific Meeting would be:

      ”Striving Towards An Era of Research”

      There will be 42 researches waiting to be presented, to be heard, and to make an impact on the local medical scene, if not internationally.

      Comment Here

      Newsletter: May 19th, 2010


      Our 2nd MUASRM 2010 is around the corner. As we approach towards the climax of the event, there will be more updates here as we deem fit. There are a few general reminders for the SSM group members to take note of.
      1. Oral and Poster Presentation
        For more information regarding this, please refer to the previous newsletter here.
        Do be reminded that the deadline for submission of powerpoint file is by tonight 19th May 2010 by 11.59pm to muasrm0910@gmail.com.
      2. Poster Printing
        Again, be reminded that the maximum size of the poster is 30 inches (width) X 40 inches (height). It is recommended for a poster of that size but you can come up with different sizes and shapes (up to own creativity and financial resources)
      3. Manuscript Issues
        A lot of fellow colleagues had asked me regarding the manuscript, and Prof Dr Ruszymah and Assoc. Prof dr Srjit Das have both given their view and explanation as below (Correspondence to the query sent via e-mail)

        "The supervisors are given the choice of manuscript format. They can follow any format eg: Medical Journal of Malaysia, Medicine and Health etc.

        If the supervisor are not sure of the format, just follow MJM or M&H. Anyone of these is fine. Ask your supervisor which journal they intend to submit the manuscript to, follow that format."

        - Prof Ruszymah, 2010

        A further and more detailed explanation was given by Assoc Prof Dr Srjit Das:

         " Dear SSM Students,
        Thanks for putting up the query. Regarding the manuscript to be submitted to the  SSM Secretariat, it is a proof of your research work in the form of a manuscript. Please note the word 'manuscript'. No student shall write it in the form of a thesis or dissertation. It is exactly a manuscript which you not sending to any journal rather you are submitting to SSM Secretariat. So, there is no question of review of literature as a section.

        In this regard, we picked up the format of MJM or UKM style of presentation. You can follow even some other style but MJM style is preferable. Coming to the style of presentation of the write up. If you had listened to my talk earlier, I had clearly talked about the categories of manuscript.

        The usual categories are:
        • full length articles also known as original articles
        • case reports
        • correspondence
        • letters to the editor
        • viewpoint
        • review artciles
        Of these, only the first one i.e. full length article applies to your SSM case.

        All your SSM articles are full length articles. So, you do not have a word limit at present but something around 5000 is good enough. I have even talked to Prof. Ruszymah in this regard and she said that she is accepting manuscripts even more than 5000.So,no limit for words at present.

        All figures and tables should be taken out in separate pages  and the legend should be given.Please do not paste figures after teext in MS word Format and send because the size will become huge.

        Just go on writing the manuscript exactly in the manner you were told.
        Referencing should be done either in the style of MJM or UKM style.

        All sections like Introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion should be in new page. Do not put discussion in results section. At the end, you can have separate figures in coloured print out. I don't think you will be confused in any manner. If there is further confusion, please let me know. "
        Best wishes,
        - Prof.Madya.Dr.Srijit Das, 2010
        UKM, KL campus, 3.50PM

        We hope that this would clear the air of the confusion everyone have. All the best in your undertakings in SSM. Thank You.


      Comment Here

      Newsletter: May 14th, 2010


      A good welcome to all of you. Although this appears in the newsletter edition, this is some worthy important points to take note of.

      1. Mode of Presentation
        As you can see, the list is out, and all of the groups are divided into 2 categories, oral (platform) and poster presentation. After some final changes, there will be 20 groups doing oral (platform) and 22 groups doing poster presentation. For those who have yet to look at the list, you can check it out at the link here:

      2. Oral (Platform) Presentation:

        • Microsoft Powerpoint up to Microsoft Office 2007(pptx) is accepted. Microsoft Office 2010 is not accepted as a legible format of presentation yet.
        • Powerpoint file size is limited to 15MB, and should be mailed to muasrm0910@gmail.com by 11.59pm, 19th May 2010. Failure to comply to submit by the stipulated timeframe will be considered as an act of withdrawal from the event.
        • A confirmation email shall be sent back as an acknowledgement of receival/ acceptance.
        • Note: Using software apart from Microsoft Office to compose or edit pptx files are not adviced as it may lead to distortion of presentation slides (eg. Open Office, Gnome Office)

      3. Poster Presentation:

        • The committee has decided that the specifications of the poster should be within 30 inches(width) X 40 inches (length). Groups may come up with posters of all sorts of sizes and shapes as long as it conforms within the designated space of 30 inches X 40 inches.
        • Posters would have to be put up on the 24th May 2010, a day prior to the actual day of 2nd MUASRM.
      I guess that's all for now, as everyone would be busy with the completion of their SSM reserach manuscripts and presentation. I wish you all the best.


      Comment Here

      Announcement(19th April 2010): Photography Session Day

      The SSM group photograph session will be conducted by Photography Unit, Multimedia Department. Just enter the department and tell them that you're there for SSM photograph session. The shoot will be taken by them and you're all done. :)
      Edit: Jabatan Multimedia -> (Ground floor, on your left as you walk past the security station in Academic block)

      Do check this post from time to time as we'll update the group list here for those who wish to request for a change of day. It is advisable if you could find a group who's willing to exchange the days for you. Official request of changes will be entertained until 22nd April 2010. Any changes after that will have to be done personally between SSM groups.

      If you have any enquiries, do leave a comment here, email me, or post comment at my status update at the SSM Facebook group. Thanks.

      Last Updated: 9pm, 22nd April 2010
      Note: Based on 1st come 1st serve basis for the same day
      Attire: White Coat for students

      Groups taking early sessions due to unavailability of supervisors:
      • 11, 22

      Monday (26th April 2010)
      • 9.00am to 12.00pm
      • 2.00pm to 5.00pm
      • Group: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 30, 34, 41, 42
       Tuesday (27th April 2010)
      • 9.00am to 12.00pm
      • 2.00pm to 5.00pm
      • Group: 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 28
      Wednesday (28th April 2010)
      • 9.00am to 12.00pm
      • 2.00pm to 5.00pm
      • Group: 1, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27
      Thursday (29th April 2010)
      • 9.00am to 12.00pm
      • 2.00pm to 5.00pm
      • Group: 14, 29, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36
      Friday (30th April 2010)
      • 9.00am to 12.00pm
      • 3.00pm to 5.00pm
      • Group: 2, 37, 38, 39, 40

      Requests for change: (As of 9pm, 22nd April 2010)
      • Group 1: 26th April to 28th April
      • Group 2: 26th April to 30th April
      • Group 6: 26th to 28th April 
      • Group 11: Earlier session
      • Group 14: 27th April to 29th April
      • Group 22: Earlier session 
      • Group 28: 29th april to 27th April
      • Group 30: 29th April to 26th April (3pm)
      • Group 34: 29th to 26th April 
      • Group 41: 30th April to 26th April
      • Group 42: 30th April to 26th April

      Comment Here

      Newsletter: April 9th, 2010

       Welcome to the final year for the medical students of 2010/2011 session. In just a matter of days, we'll be entering a new semester, with SSM being our first agenda in mind. Here's a few highlights and reminder before we see you nest week.

      1. UKMMC 2nd Medical Undergraduates' Annual Scientific Meeting 2009/2010
        Event: UKMMC 2nd Medical Undergraduates' Annual Scientific Meeting 2009/2010
        Theme: “Striving Towards an Era of Research”
        Date: 25th May 2010
        Time: 7.00am – 5.30pm
        Main Venue: Auditorium, UKMMC
        Fees Structure:

        • UKMMC Medical Students: RM 25
        • UKMMC Lecturers: RM 50
        • Others: RM 50

      2. SSM Briefing
        This is a session to meet Prof. Ruszymah to give your feedback and to clear off any doubts.
        Attendance is compulsory.
        SSM formal briefing
        Date: 12th April 2010
        Time: 9.30am
        Venue: Auditorium, UKMMC
        Attire: Formal
        Agenda: Enquiries, comments, complaints and progress of SSM work.

      3. SSM Abstract Submission
        The deadline for SSM research abstract submission is brought forward by a day to 11.59pm, 12th May 2010 to speed up the process a little. Just e-mail your abstract along with your group number and also your preference for poster/oral presentation to muasrm0910@gmail.com.

      4. Finalization of SSM groups involving in Oral Platform (Paper) and Poster Presentation
        As stated previously, there will be 18 groups in oral platform presentation and 24 groups in poster presentation. However, the finalization of groups for both categories can only be done latest by 17th May, 2010. This is due to the fact that the abstracts submitted by 12th May will be used as deciding factor to place some of the groups who opted for oral platform presentation into the poster presentation category.

        However, those who opt for poster presentation, rest assured that you'll remain in the poster presentation category. However, there will be 5-6 out of 24 groups who opted for oral platform (paper) presentation will be picked to enter the poster category.

        That being said, for those groups who were picked by then, you'll have approximately 1 week to prepare for the poster printing and presentation. (Since finalization is done by 17th May the latest) For any queries, you can bring it up during the SSM briefing next week on 12th April 2010.

      5. SSM Group Photo Submission (Updated - 2)
        We'll try to arrange for a photo session at the Unit
        Multimedia sometime around 26th-30th April 2010.

       With that being said, I guess that's all for now. See you next Monday! :)


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      Notice: SSM Poster Presentation Groups

      It has come to our knowledge that SSM groups doing the poster presentation can get the poster done in the Graphics Unit in UKMMC. While they are willing to provide the printing service for FREE, there are certain prerequisites you should know.

      1. The size of the poster is 30 inches (Width) X 40 inches (Length)
      2. If you wish for the help of Graphics Unit in your poster designs and printing, you should start contacting them to make some arrangements at least 1 month before the Annual Scientific Meeting(ASM). That being said, the latest would be 25th April 2010.
      3. If you just need to get free printing services, you can do so at least 1 week before the ASM, which would be by 18th May 2010. This means that you'll need to prepare your own designs and graphics while adhering to the poster size specifications of 30 inches X 40 inches.
      A recap:
      • Poster Size: 30 X 40 inches
      • Poster Design + Printing Service: By 25th April 2010
      • Poster Printing Only: By 18th May 2010
      • Free service ( "Thank You" is a courtesy that should be practiced though)

      For further inquiries, you can leave a comment at the bottom of this post. We'll forward it to the respective committee and elaborate more on the details as soon as we can. Thank You.


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      Words from the Deputy Director General of Health (Medical)

      Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

      I would like to take this opportunity to thank Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), for succeeding in the enormous responsibility of organizing the “2nd Medical Undergraduates Annual Scientific Research Meeting 2010”. UKM is showing great promise towards becoming the top Research University in Malaysia. This historical moment should never be forgotten by all individuals from UKM, as it is a stepping stone towards greater achievements and a foundation to the development of a tradition of success in times to come.  

      The 27th of August 2007 is an important date for Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia as the University was awarded the status of Research University. This is part of a strategic plan by the Ministry of Higher Education to improve the standing of local universities in the international arena. Based on this mission, the Ministry also places utmost importance towards championing the national language and culture, and at the same time, in building a solid platform for the distribution of knowledge. From this moment onwards, research would play a pivotal role in UKM’s identity as well as success in the eyes of the world.

      With a theme of “Striving Towards an Era of Research”, I believe that UKM’s Medical Faculty has succeeded in developing a line of succession to ensure continuous excellence in the field of research. This is something that all individuals from UKM should be proud of. As UKM is becoming a major player in the field of research in Malaysia and thus it would become a benchmark for other institutions of higher learning.

      Malaysia has enjoyed over half a century of independence, and it would not be impossible that one day, we would have a society who can achieve success beyond our wildest imaginations, and is capable of thinking out of the box. It would not be impossible that one day, our researchers would be able to win the Nobel Prize. At that moment, local institutions of higher learning would become the centre of attention of all international scholars.

      A big thank you and congratulations to all lecturers of UKM’s Medical Faculty who have guided, and taught the younger generation so that one day, they too would be able to create history in the field of research.

      Finally, let us inspire together, hope and build the future.
      Thank you.

      Datuk Dr. Noor Hisham Bin Abdullah
      Deputy Director General Of Health (Medical)
      Ministry of Health, Malaysia

      Comment Here

      Words from the Dean of Faculty Medicine and Director of UKMMC

      Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh and Good Day.

      Alhamdulillah, thanks to the grace of Almighty God this 2nd Medical Undergraduates’ Annual Research Scientific Meeting could be held successfully.

      The field of research can provide significant contribution to the development of the world of medicine. Strong commitments from all parties, especially doctors, are essential towards ensuring the progress of the field of medicine in this country. The field of research is not only able to move our nation towards the status of a developed nation by the year 2020 but also to be able to generate new knowledge. 

      To realize this dream, the Special Study Module was introduced in the undergraduate medical degree programme, UKM. The introduction of this module would hopefully foster interest of medical students in the field of medical research, which can contribute significantly towards the improvement and development of medicine in this nation.

      This module emphasizes not only on academic, but also aspects of personal improvement such as communication skills, team work, critical thinking skills, and skills in problem solving and handling of data. 

      It is hoped that all these efforts do not stop and is continued in the future to realize the nation’s dream of becoming a major player in the field of medical research and to produce medical graduates who are dedicated, charismatic and excellent in all aspects.

      Thank you.

      Prof. Dato’ Dr. Lokman Saim
      Dean of Faculty of Medicine and Director of UKMMC

      Comment Here

      Words from the Head of Special Study Module

      Assalamualaikum and Good Day,

      I would like to express my utmost gratitude to God for His grace that once again the 2nd Medical Undergraduates’ Annual Scientific Research Meeting can be held. This meet is an annual event for the Special Study Module (SSM). Congratulations to all supervisors who have given priceless advice and guidance to all students in order to make each research a success. I also dedicate this speech to all 5th year Medical Students 2010/2011, who have worked tirelessly to carry out their research which would be presented in this seminar. Congratulations to all!  

      As you all already know, SSM was designed to expose students to the process of medical research in hopes that all students can truly understand and appreciate the trials and tribulations of carrying out a research. This process is capable of improving students from the Integrated Curriculum who would be UKM’s and this nation’s pride in the future. I hope and pray that this year’s SSM researches can be published in both local and international journals. For your information, 30% of last year’s research papers were accepted for publication in international researches. This would definitely highlight UKM’s name in the international arena, especially as a research university.

      I hope that SSM has benefited all students and inculcate the research culture in each student. I believe that this year’s seminar would be a success. Thanks to all the hard work by the students. Forty two manuscripts from SSM research is indeed a priceless gift for me. Alhamdulillah.

      Finally, I would like to congratulate the students and lecturers in the Committee who have worked very hard to ensure the success of this meet.

      Thank you.

      "Towards World Class Research"

      Prof. Dr. Ruszymah Bt Hj Idrus Coordinator,
      2nd Medical Undergraduates
      Annual Scientific Research Meeting
      Head of the Special Study Module

      Comment Here

      Words from the Chief Director, 2nd MUASRM 2010

      Congratulations! 42 manuscripts are bound to be published together! After all those hard work, our researches had finally paid off, and bound to leave our presence in the worldly knowledge, particularly in the medical field. Our contribution may seem like a drop of water in the ocean of knowledge, but given some time, effort, and exploration, insyaAllah, humankind will sure benefit from it in our efforts towards a literate civilization.

      It is of utmost importance to emphasize on the importance of research and development (R&D) in this fast paced world. This is because R&D can be the catalyst to the success of us as undergraduates, and the varsity itself. Our manuscripts are not just proof of our quality, but it is meant to instill the love for the discovery of knowledge. I strongly believe that research facilities and grants are essential towards a research of utmost quality. Therefore, I represent the community of undergraduates to call for more financial provisions from the government for the university, so that us as undergraduates, in particularly, could benefit from it and to produce researches which would be of better quality and meaningful. I also do hope that all universities in Malaysia in particular UKM could have research module of international standards for all undergraduates, and so that more journals are to be published and benefited by the whole world, especially for our beloved fellow Malaysians.

      A well done message should be given to UKM Faculty of Medicine for taking a step towards the right direction with the Special Study Module. Generally, the module intends to expose the students to researches of international standards, and to train them to produce their very own ones. Professor Dr Ruszymah, the module coordinator of this Special Study Module has always reminded us that learning towards research and to publish in prestigious journals are vital for undergraduates to produce even better researches as we head off to the world after graduation.

      If we had produced 42 researches to be presented this year, I was informed that there would be 57 researches to be presented for the coming batch next year. The increase in number of researches would hopefully be able to leave an impact as great as it is, in UKM, Malaysia, and hopefully, the whole world. Let us wish them success in completing their researches and present our newfound knowledge in medical field to the world.

      Before I come to an end of this speech, allow me to thank everyone who helped to make this event a reality.  The success belongs to all of us! Thank You!

      Chief Director
      2nd Medical Undergraduates
      Annual Scientific Research Meeting

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      2nd MUASRM List of Mode of Presentation

      The list of presentation in the respective categories is out. Kindly do check and ensure that you prepare for the right mode of presentation.

      *click on image to enlarge*
      You can also download the list from the download sidebar or from below:

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        Newsletter: February 12th, 2010 (Edit: 9th April 2010)

        The current 2-month break for the 4th year UKM medical students had just started a few days ago. While it may serve as a timely introduction for those who are in dire need to take a breather, do remember that the Special Study Module research is still ongoing and drawing near. As the Lunar New Year and Valentine’s Day are approaching as well, we from the SSM student committee would like to express our well wishes to everyone who would be celebrating either the Lunar New Year, Valentine’s Day, or both. May you be blessed with health, wealth (for those who wish for it) and the most important of them all, a meaningful life with your loved ones, filled with cheer, joy and laughter.

        Below are the current updates for the time being:
        1. UKMMC 2nd SSM Annual Scientific Meeting 2009/2010
          The date for this annual event has been set on the 25th May 2010 following approval from UKMMC. This being said, below are the details of the event, subject to changes.

          Event: UKMMC 2nd SSM Annual Scientific Meeting 2009/2010
          Theme: “Striving Towards an Era of Research”
          Date: 25th May 2010
          Time: 7.00am – 5.30pm
          Main Venue: Auditorium, UKMMC
          Fees Structure:

          • UKMMC Medical Students: RM25
          • Others: RM50

        2. Oral Platform and Poster Presentation
          As mentioned earlier, there would be 2 categories for the annual scientific meeting, namely the oral platform presentation and the poster presentation. The allocation of number of groups in each category would be 18 and 24 for oral platform and poster presentation respectively. The finalization of the groups in each category would be announced on 16th April 2010.

          The prizes for the winners for each category had not been finalized. However, we’ve heard news that the top three groups from each category will receive endorsement as much RM2, 000 to attend any conference, namely the MIB conference which would be held in Brunei this year. So, keep your fingers crossed and hope that this turn out to be true!

        3. SSM Briefing
          Following the postponement of the Q&A session with Prof Ruszymah (supposedly to be held on the 9th Feb 2010) regarding the SSM project, there is no final word on it yet. Most likely, the Q&A session would be held after the formal SSM briefing on 12th April 2010.

          Event: SSM formal briefing
          Date: 12th April 2010
          Time: 9.30am 8.00am Edited 9th April 2010
          Venue: Auditorium, UKMMC
          Attire: Formal
          Agenda: Enquiries, comments, complaints and progress of SSM work.
        4. SSM abstract submission
          The format for the SSM abstract would be made available on the 12th April 2010. Submission deadline for the abstract would be 5pm, 12th May 2010 (edit: from 13th to 12th May) to an email which would be provided here later. Late submission past the deadline would not be entertained.

        5. Submission of Group Photos
          Group photos of SSM groups with supervisor are required and submission deadline would be 12th May 2010 by 12am at kong1ming2-at-gmail-dot-com. Interesting photos and videos of SSM research project can also be submitted and would be greatly appreciated.

        6. Propagation of Information
          Please do keep updated with this site. We, in the SSM committee have tried our best to reach out to you with various ways. Ssmukm.blogspot.com offers various ways to keep you updated, from Twitter, RSS Feeds, to Facebook’s Networked Blogs app. Do spread the words around so that more of us could keep up with the latest news.

        That’s all for now, and I wished everyone a happy holiday.  :)


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        Tentative Schedule

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        Newsletter: January 18th, 2010 (Edit: 22nd Jan)


        It's a Monday! Nevertheless, it's still the last week of posting before the study week and soon the anticipated finals. Yes, I guess this is it, the finals since we would be finishing our year 4. Most of us, actually, apart for those who might have to resit the papers. That, we would like to express our regret and wish you guys all the best! Let's just hope all of us sail through Year 4, and pray for everyone's safe journey.

        For those in Pediatrics posting, all the best for your shortcase. Me myself included. Oh well, it's a first time for all of us in this posting, so we can't really avoid this jittery feeling of anxiety.

        Moving on to the real topic, here's some updates on the progress of SSM, as of currently.

        1. Informal Q&A Session with Prof. Ruszymah regarding SSM Project
          Feb 9th, 2010 (Tues), 2.30pm. Venue: Pending confirmation
          If you have any particular queries about your SSM project, or doubts and disputes among your group members or whatsoever, this is the best time for you to voice it out. Having such problems at the back of your mind can cause migraine, so it is best to clear them off, since paracetamol's effect would probably be non-beneficial or temporary if at all.

          Edit: As this session coincides with the Orthopedic OSCE (~2-6pm), it would be postponed until further notice.

        2. Formal SSM briefing
          April 12th, 2010 (Monday), 8am. Venue: Auditorium
          Attendance is compulsory. Everything you'll need to know would be discussed and informed by then. Don't come and beg and plea in tears complain should you missed it. We might remind you about what's happening, but it'll depend on your own initiative to want to know what's happening around, since we're all adults.

        3. Finalization on Oral/Poster presentation groups
          Up till now, there is no finalization on who gets to do oral (platform) or poster presentation yet. However, those who applied for poster presentation would most likely remain so while there may be 3-6 groups who applied for the oral (platform) presentation would be switched out to fill the empty void for poster presentations. So this would depend on the meeting by SSM lecturers and students committee on 15th April 2010. Whoops, apparently there's student involvement as well, as I was being told. Don't worry, I'm sure the lecturers are more experienced and it is unlikely that the students committee (me myself included) could strong arm the lecturers.

          So, the finalization would be done on April 16th, 2010, a day after the meeting.

        4. Research Abstract Format
          Unfortunately, the format is still unavailable due to various reasons. It would be made available on April 12th, most probably during the day we had the formal SSM briefing.

        5. Photos Please (Again)
          I know this sounded like nagging, but I'm sure you'll need to do this somehow.I would again request for students to have a group photo with their supervisor, a formal one. Please also take some photos(better if there's videos) of yourself in "action" during SSM research. It can be funny or interesting, it's up to you. Please send in to kong1ming2-at-gmail-dot-com. Your co-operation would be appreciated.

          Submission deadline would be on April 16th, 2010, 5pm at kong1ming2-at-gmail-dot-com. There would be no punishment for late entries or submission, but since I'm a rather forgetful person, please do remind me should your photos are missing from the abstract booklet on the day of SSM annual scientific meeting I forget it. Just kidding, I hope you guys could make the job easier so I could attend to other tasks and also help out the others.
        I guess that's all for now. I wouldn't like to burden you guys, but hope you could take the time to keep yourself updated with this site if possible. We're trying to reach out to everyone, but there's no guarantee that everyone is within reach. So spread this to your friends and fellow group members if possible. Thanks and all the best for exams!


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        What is Annual Scientific Research Meeting?

        UKMMC 2nd Medical Undergraduates' Annual Scientific Research Meeting is an annual research conference done by final year medical students from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). After 16 months of Special Study Module, they are required to present their research in the scientific meeting. The group of students are given the opportunity to choose the type of research which they are interested in, ranging from pre-clinicals to clinical aspect of Medicine, while developing their skills in communication, critical thinking, information and data handling, as well as professional judgment.The abstract and full manuscript of their research would be submitted for future publication purposes.

        There will be 2 categories of presentation, namely the oral platform (paper) presentation and the poster presentation. Students in both categories will be vying for the research prize, with prominent doctors from UKM Medical Center acting as adjudicators.

        In 2009, the 1st Annual Scientific Meeting was held with great success. More is to be expected from the 2nd SSM Annual Scientific Meeting which would be held on the 25th of May, 2010.

        The theme for the coming 2nd Medical Undergraduates Annual Scientific Meeting is:
        • Striving Towards An Era of Research

        There will be 42 researches waiting to be presented, to be heard, and to make an impact on the local medical scene, if not internationally.

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        Important Timeline

        Too much to read but no time? Below is a summary of the essential dates(and deadlines):

        As of 9th April, 2010.

        1. 12th April 2010: SSM feedback in Auditorium, 9.30am.

          • Attendance is compulsory for students involved in the Special Study Module 2009-2010.
          •  Formal attire for everyone
          • Agenda - enquiries, comments, complaints and progression in SSM work.
        2. 26th-30th April 2010: SSM Group photo session with supervisor
        3. 12th May 2010: SSM abstract submission, by 11.59pm to muasrm0910@gmail.com.
        4. 17th May 2010(latest): Finalization of SSM oral/poster groups
        5. 25th May 2010: 2nd SSM Annual Scientific Meeting, 2010

        SSM Abstract Format: Available for Download (Sidebar - Box.net)
        SSM Oral/ Poster Group Finalization: Pending (Latest by 17th May 2010)

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