Welcome to the official launch of the site of UKMMC 2nd Medical Undergraduates' Annual Scientific Meeting.

Malaysian Undergraduates Annual Scientific Research Meeting 2010

MUASRM 2010 is back in the limelight. This Special Study Module (SSM) would proudly feature the key elements of research done by the colloboration of medical students and doctors, which would be inevitably influential in the future.
UKM SSM 2009/2010

Malaysian Undergraduates Annual Scientific Research Meeting 2010

MUASRM 2010 is back in the limelight. This Special Study Module (SSM) would proudly feature the key elements of research done by the colloboration of medical students and doctors, which would be inevitably influential in the future.
UKM SSM 2009/2010

Malaysian Undergraduates Annual Scientific Research Meeting 2010

MUASRM 2010 is back in the limelight. This Special Study Module (SSM) would proudly feature the key elements of research done by the colloboration of medical students and doctors, which would be inevitably influential in the future.
UKM SSM 2009/2010

Malaysian Undergraduates Annual Scientific Research Meeting 2010

MUASRM 2010 is back in the limelight. This Special Study Module (SSM) would proudly feature the key elements of research done by the colloboration of medical students and doctors, which would be inevitably influential in the future.
UKM SSM 2009/2010

Malaysian Undergraduates Annual Scientific Research Meeting 2010

MUASRM 2010 is back in the limelight. This Special Study Module (SSM) would proudly feature the key elements of research done by the colloboration of medical students and doctors, which would be inevitably influential in the future.
UKM SSM 2009/2010

SSM Newsletter

” This newsletter brings a soft launch of this site for the UKMMC SSM 2nd Annual Scientific Meeting. Keep updated regarding the SSM progress here.
May 14th, 2010 Find Out More

SSM Timeline

”So much to read but have little time? Fear not, just click on title or below for a brief summary of the important timeline.
9th April 2009 Find Out More

About SSM

”SSM? SMS? Special Study Module? What is SSM all about? Here's where we'll explain it all to you.
8th Nov 2009 Find Out More

Contact Us

”Have any great ideas or suggestions? Do feel free to contact and tell us about it. We are more than glad to receive your feedback.
8th Nov 2009 Find Out More

UKMMC 2nd Medical Undergraduates' Annual Scientific Meeting 2010

Striving Towards an Era of Research
25th MAY 2010
Time: 8.00am – 5.30pm

Main Venue:
Kompleks Pendidikan Perubatan Canselor Tuanku Ja’afar,
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Center,
Jalan Yaacob Latif, 56000 Cheras, Kuala Lumpur.

    UKMMC Medical Students: RM 25
    UKM Staff and Lecturers: RM 50
    Others: RM 50
      Walk-In Registration
      Organized by:
      Faculty of Medicine, UKM Medical Centre

       For more information:
      Please call
      Miss Kanit: 012- 661 1974
      Miss Zulaika: 013- 211 0243
      Miss Diana: 017-610 0852

      Special Study Module (SSM) is a compulsory medical research for the Medicine undergraduates in UKM. It is conducted concurrently through Year 4 and 5 as they undergo clinical training in other medical fields. In this module, students are allowed to choose their research of interest from an array of medical field under the supervision and guidance of experienced specialists and consultants. Towards the end of the 16 months of research, they are required to present their research findings in this annual scientific research meeting.

      Throughout this module, medical students are trained to improve their research skills, and also to cultivate their interest in the medical research field. Of course, they will also be able to build self-confidence, communication skills, professional judgment and to promote teamwork in their respective research group. The abstract and full manuscript of their research would be submitted for future publication purposes.

      In 2009, the 1st Annual Scientific Meeting was held with great success. More is to be expected from the 2nd SSM Annual Scientific Meeting which would be held on the 25th of May, 2010. The theme for the coming 2nd Medical Undergraduates Annual Scientific Meeting would be:

      ”Striving Towards An Era of Research”

      There will be 42 researches waiting to be presented, to be heard, and to make an impact on the local medical scene, if not internationally.

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      Newsletter: May 19th, 2010


      Our 2nd MUASRM 2010 is around the corner. As we approach towards the climax of the event, there will be more updates here as we deem fit. There are a few general reminders for the SSM group members to take note of.
      1. Oral and Poster Presentation
        For more information regarding this, please refer to the previous newsletter here.
        Do be reminded that the deadline for submission of powerpoint file is by tonight 19th May 2010 by 11.59pm to muasrm0910@gmail.com.
      2. Poster Printing
        Again, be reminded that the maximum size of the poster is 30 inches (width) X 40 inches (height). It is recommended for a poster of that size but you can come up with different sizes and shapes (up to own creativity and financial resources)
      3. Manuscript Issues
        A lot of fellow colleagues had asked me regarding the manuscript, and Prof Dr Ruszymah and Assoc. Prof dr Srjit Das have both given their view and explanation as below (Correspondence to the query sent via e-mail)

        "The supervisors are given the choice of manuscript format. They can follow any format eg: Medical Journal of Malaysia, Medicine and Health etc.

        If the supervisor are not sure of the format, just follow MJM or M&H. Anyone of these is fine. Ask your supervisor which journal they intend to submit the manuscript to, follow that format."

        - Prof Ruszymah, 2010

        A further and more detailed explanation was given by Assoc Prof Dr Srjit Das:

         " Dear SSM Students,
        Thanks for putting up the query. Regarding the manuscript to be submitted to the  SSM Secretariat, it is a proof of your research work in the form of a manuscript. Please note the word 'manuscript'. No student shall write it in the form of a thesis or dissertation. It is exactly a manuscript which you not sending to any journal rather you are submitting to SSM Secretariat. So, there is no question of review of literature as a section.

        In this regard, we picked up the format of MJM or UKM style of presentation. You can follow even some other style but MJM style is preferable. Coming to the style of presentation of the write up. If you had listened to my talk earlier, I had clearly talked about the categories of manuscript.

        The usual categories are:
        • full length articles also known as original articles
        • case reports
        • correspondence
        • letters to the editor
        • viewpoint
        • review artciles
        Of these, only the first one i.e. full length article applies to your SSM case.

        All your SSM articles are full length articles. So, you do not have a word limit at present but something around 5000 is good enough. I have even talked to Prof. Ruszymah in this regard and she said that she is accepting manuscripts even more than 5000.So,no limit for words at present.

        All figures and tables should be taken out in separate pages  and the legend should be given.Please do not paste figures after teext in MS word Format and send because the size will become huge.

        Just go on writing the manuscript exactly in the manner you were told.
        Referencing should be done either in the style of MJM or UKM style.

        All sections like Introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion should be in new page. Do not put discussion in results section. At the end, you can have separate figures in coloured print out. I don't think you will be confused in any manner. If there is further confusion, please let me know. "
        Best wishes,
        - Prof.Madya.Dr.Srijit Das, 2010
        UKM, KL campus, 3.50PM

        We hope that this would clear the air of the confusion everyone have. All the best in your undertakings in SSM. Thank You.


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      Newsletter: May 14th, 2010


      A good welcome to all of you. Although this appears in the newsletter edition, this is some worthy important points to take note of.

      1. Mode of Presentation
        As you can see, the list is out, and all of the groups are divided into 2 categories, oral (platform) and poster presentation. After some final changes, there will be 20 groups doing oral (platform) and 22 groups doing poster presentation. For those who have yet to look at the list, you can check it out at the link here:

      2. Oral (Platform) Presentation:

        • Microsoft Powerpoint up to Microsoft Office 2007(pptx) is accepted. Microsoft Office 2010 is not accepted as a legible format of presentation yet.
        • Powerpoint file size is limited to 15MB, and should be mailed to muasrm0910@gmail.com by 11.59pm, 19th May 2010. Failure to comply to submit by the stipulated timeframe will be considered as an act of withdrawal from the event.
        • A confirmation email shall be sent back as an acknowledgement of receival/ acceptance.
        • Note: Using software apart from Microsoft Office to compose or edit pptx files are not adviced as it may lead to distortion of presentation slides (eg. Open Office, Gnome Office)

      3. Poster Presentation:

        • The committee has decided that the specifications of the poster should be within 30 inches(width) X 40 inches (length). Groups may come up with posters of all sorts of sizes and shapes as long as it conforms within the designated space of 30 inches X 40 inches.
        • Posters would have to be put up on the 24th May 2010, a day prior to the actual day of 2nd MUASRM.
      I guess that's all for now, as everyone would be busy with the completion of their SSM reserach manuscripts and presentation. I wish you all the best.


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      Announcement(19th April 2010): Photography Session Day

      The SSM group photograph session will be conducted by Photography Unit, Multimedia Department. Just enter the department and tell them that you're there for SSM photograph session. The shoot will be taken by them and you're all done. :)
      Edit: Jabatan Multimedia -> (Ground floor, on your left as you walk past the security station in Academic block)

      Do check this post from time to time as we'll update the group list here for those who wish to request for a change of day. It is advisable if you could find a group who's willing to exchange the days for you. Official request of changes will be entertained until 22nd April 2010. Any changes after that will have to be done personally between SSM groups.

      If you have any enquiries, do leave a comment here, email me, or post comment at my status update at the SSM Facebook group. Thanks.

      Last Updated: 9pm, 22nd April 2010
      Note: Based on 1st come 1st serve basis for the same day
      Attire: White Coat for students

      Groups taking early sessions due to unavailability of supervisors:
      • 11, 22

      Monday (26th April 2010)
      • 9.00am to 12.00pm
      • 2.00pm to 5.00pm
      • Group: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 30, 34, 41, 42
       Tuesday (27th April 2010)
      • 9.00am to 12.00pm
      • 2.00pm to 5.00pm
      • Group: 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 28
      Wednesday (28th April 2010)
      • 9.00am to 12.00pm
      • 2.00pm to 5.00pm
      • Group: 1, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27
      Thursday (29th April 2010)
      • 9.00am to 12.00pm
      • 2.00pm to 5.00pm
      • Group: 14, 29, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36
      Friday (30th April 2010)
      • 9.00am to 12.00pm
      • 3.00pm to 5.00pm
      • Group: 2, 37, 38, 39, 40

      Requests for change: (As of 9pm, 22nd April 2010)
      • Group 1: 26th April to 28th April
      • Group 2: 26th April to 30th April
      • Group 6: 26th to 28th April 
      • Group 11: Earlier session
      • Group 14: 27th April to 29th April
      • Group 22: Earlier session 
      • Group 28: 29th april to 27th April
      • Group 30: 29th April to 26th April (3pm)
      • Group 34: 29th to 26th April 
      • Group 41: 30th April to 26th April
      • Group 42: 30th April to 26th April

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      Newsletter: April 9th, 2010

       Welcome to the final year for the medical students of 2010/2011 session. In just a matter of days, we'll be entering a new semester, with SSM being our first agenda in mind. Here's a few highlights and reminder before we see you nest week.

      1. UKMMC 2nd Medical Undergraduates' Annual Scientific Meeting 2009/2010
        Event: UKMMC 2nd Medical Undergraduates' Annual Scientific Meeting 2009/2010
        Theme: “Striving Towards an Era of Research”
        Date: 25th May 2010
        Time: 7.00am – 5.30pm
        Main Venue: Auditorium, UKMMC
        Fees Structure:

        • UKMMC Medical Students: RM 25
        • UKMMC Lecturers: RM 50
        • Others: RM 50

      2. SSM Briefing
        This is a session to meet Prof. Ruszymah to give your feedback and to clear off any doubts.
        Attendance is compulsory.
        SSM formal briefing
        Date: 12th April 2010
        Time: 9.30am
        Venue: Auditorium, UKMMC
        Attire: Formal
        Agenda: Enquiries, comments, complaints and progress of SSM work.

      3. SSM Abstract Submission
        The deadline for SSM research abstract submission is brought forward by a day to 11.59pm, 12th May 2010 to speed up the process a little. Just e-mail your abstract along with your group number and also your preference for poster/oral presentation to muasrm0910@gmail.com.

      4. Finalization of SSM groups involving in Oral Platform (Paper) and Poster Presentation
        As stated previously, there will be 18 groups in oral platform presentation and 24 groups in poster presentation. However, the finalization of groups for both categories can only be done latest by 17th May, 2010. This is due to the fact that the abstracts submitted by 12th May will be used as deciding factor to place some of the groups who opted for oral platform presentation into the poster presentation category.

        However, those who opt for poster presentation, rest assured that you'll remain in the poster presentation category. However, there will be 5-6 out of 24 groups who opted for oral platform (paper) presentation will be picked to enter the poster category.

        That being said, for those groups who were picked by then, you'll have approximately 1 week to prepare for the poster printing and presentation. (Since finalization is done by 17th May the latest) For any queries, you can bring it up during the SSM briefing next week on 12th April 2010.

      5. SSM Group Photo Submission (Updated - 2)
        We'll try to arrange for a photo session at the Unit
        Multimedia sometime around 26th-30th April 2010.

       With that being said, I guess that's all for now. See you next Monday! :)


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