Newsletter: 27th May, 2010

First of all, I would like to congratulate all the SSM groups 2009/2010 for a wonderful annual scientific research meeting. All your presentations are marvelous and deserve a round of applause. With this, I hope the spirit of research will continue beyond the SSM module, and throughout our careers and lifetime. I know, most of you would be relieved that this is finally over, but let's just remember the sweet moments you had in this module.
Back to our main topic, for the winners of both oral (platform) and poster presentation of the 2nd Medical Undergraduates' Annual Scientific Research Meeting (MUASRM), do take note that you'll have to prepare an abstract for the MIB conference using the MIB template (can be found in the sidebar downloads as well). Other groups who did not win can also do the same. Upon completion please email to and and before 2.00pm today, 27th May 2010. Please also name the presenter and type of presentation.Do take note of this as you'll be representing UKM (if not Malaysia) for the conference.
I hope this would be the last newsletter here, and would like to thank all my Publicity and Multimedia committee members for their dedication in making this MUASRM a success. Thank You.

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